Open positions

Fachfrau/mann Betreuung Kind

Contact: Julie Andermatt

KiTa Little Home AG was founded by the three founding members Christoph Gut, Julie Andermatt and Jérôme Andermatt.

Christoph Gut, Owner

Our aim is to offer the children in their second small home the opportunity to develop in a family environment where they feel comfortable with various activities.

Julie Andermatt, Owner

Knowing that my children are in good hands is essential. Competent and loving care is important and the people behind it make the difference.

Jérôme Andermatt, Owner

Seeing the children's progress and shining eyes every day is both an incentive and motivation to constantly work for high-quality childcare.

Cornelia Bossard, KiTa Lead

Magdalena Häusler, Administration / Group Leader

Mirjam Kajic, Group Leader

KiTa Little Home AG
Papieri-Ring 2
6330 Cham
079 819 99 45
Opening hours
  • Monday – Friday
    07:00 – 18:30